Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Exclusive Proof of Baba Ranga's Existence

The picture shows the 'Samadhi Sthal' of Baba Ranga. The photo has been clicked by our photographer Mr. Punjab.
Anti-social elements forced Baba to vacate this room late 2007 but he has been traced in the room by our sources, often as some spirit existing there.

The image on the right proves the presence of Baba's spirit in his room after the room was locked forcefully by the authority. As per the prediction of astrologers, Baba's spirit will never vacate the room until and unless his conditions are fulfilled. Efforts are being made to contact Baba's spirit and sort out the matter.
Investigators have warned the females to refrain from the 'Samadhi Sthal' as it may activate the spirit of Baba.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Nostalgic Moments

By Ashish Agarwal on the eve of Farewell Party.

Yesterday, it was 6th day of July 2004 when we all were sitting in the Lecture Theatre (LT2) for the counseling of B.Tech program at JIIT. Today, it’s all over. We have completed four full years here together sharing moments of joy and sorrow. Time seems to have passed at the blink of the eye.

We all came to JIIT on 26th of July 2004 for the commencement of the first semester. All new faces and new personalities came in all possible shapes and sizes, but, today they all have become an integral part of our little lovely family here. The family which has got many strong pillars but none is weak. We all shared happiness and even fought with one another, and now since we are departing, all grudges are dumped.

Semester after semester, year after year all passed. A few days more and only the memories shall be left with us. The memory of the times that we enjoyed with coffee cups in the cafeteria, times we chatted with friends at the coffee shop where always glows a neon-lighted coffee mug, bunking lectures, conspiring against others, copying presentations, making fun of the teachers, back breaking dance at DJ parties during JIVEs and lot more.

Every bite of the home cooked food will remind me of the mess times, when we enjoyed the boring food together. We would never forget the times of power failure in the mess and hostels, where students started shouting in various voices of animals and demons and abusing the wardens and mess incharges.

All my books in my shelf and writing programs at Infy will remind me of the last minute exam preparation with the friends, the time when we exhibited the true team work. Less marks, more grades and vice versa coz of the buttering, making face values no one can ever forget. ‘Cut-Copy-Paste’ this is what we call our engineering degree. Teachers, do hell with plagiarism. You people were the losers who could never identify the similar answer sheets and assignments.

We shall always remember the fights with friends, resolving matters, conspiracies and bitching. Best nick names that we could think of made us feel proud. Numerous crushes, proposals and rejections, some got girl friends and some got boy friends, some even got serious for marriage. Like India and Pakistan, there were several groups amongst students, active and passive politics trained us of corporate culture as people say so.

Naughty activities shall make us think of tricks we played with teachers during classes. Launching paper rockets with rubber strings, throwing chalks and pulling out the LAN cords from the projectors, mass bunk on the date of tests and assignment submissions are just few. Dear teachers, please do not mind as you all are very dear to us and we loved being in your company.

Birthday bumps, late night movies, tea parties in hostel rooms, spending long hours on phone, and dearest of all, the snail speed internet connection made our hostel life. Hostel life was the biggest fun at JIIT. Stealing sugar, spoons from the mess and mostly eating outside the hostel mess, seems we just wasted the parents’ money. A lot of responsibilities also we came to learn. In short, it was a complete holiday package.

Security guards were the people most respected by hostellers’ coz our attempts to go out for food, tea and coffee late night were made successful by them and were hated by the day scholars as they were always checked for the identity cards and restricted from entry into the hostels but we were no less. Wardens, especially Mr. Mastana could never catch hold of the day scholars despite the fact that many of them stayed in the hostel every day and night. After all, we are engineers. Mr. Avtaar Singh, shall always be remembered.

Fooling the local guardians in the name of tests and work load and going out for the late night treats at the ‘Dhabas’ and rocking JAM at Shipra mall for night shows were a regular process. Sumo Sir’s car (little blue Matiz) was really helpful for such outings and he as driver, such a cute driver. Contri-parties were a great fun.

Things we shall miss forever are the ‘Gupta Ji’s parantha’, ‘Tau Ji’s chai’, ‘Shikanji waala’ and the Maggi stall. These were the busiest meeting points for us all. Just a cup of tea and we spent a long time discussing about various issues. Most common ones were the ‘girls’ and ‘the college administration’. Gym, snooker, swimming pool, laundry and tuck shop must also be kept alive in memories. Places most deserted in college were the LRC (the college library), the faculty cabins and the lecture theatres as none of us ever wanted to go there.

I cannot forget the Jaipur trip with Amit, Vivek, Niharika, Neha and Vanshika. The most memorable part of the trip was the verbal fight [not just quarrel] between Vivek and Niharika continuously all through the journey. Loved to experience the city of joy ‘Jaipur’ this is now a days struck by terror serial blasts. Probably, there may be more trips next month. Biggest thanks to the mentors of the projects for the happening party they hosted.

Scribbling ceremony which was held today, 16th May 2004, gave us some very precious memories. Today, many of us came closer, grudges set apart and the true feelings of joy and friendship set ablaze the ceremony.

Today, nearly all of us have achieved something. Yesterday, we were unripe little youngsters of 18-20, today we all are engineers. Many are placed with companies, some are going abroad for higher education and very few are the daring ones to experience entrepreneurship. Time has transformed us for the better.

We found one of the best friends for life here. Hope these friendships may continue for long. The budding engineers are now good citizens too and have learnt a lot from JIIT, our dear college that we are proud of. Thanking everyone, teachers, students, and staff for their supportive role and providing an ambience to grow and become a good human with values.

One, who agrees with me please put your feelings as comments on this blog. Just click the comments link below.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Baba Ranga ki Satya Katha – Episode 2

With every dawn, Ranga’s terror grew more and more and he was then named as ‘Virus’. The reason behind his nomenclature was his steep growth curve, high virulence and availability of ‘No’ possible cure against his attack.

By the time students got familiar with his scary appearance, he came to the lecture room. “Can a teacher be so dreadful?” all of us thought. His lecture commenced with utter silence and that lasted for about 10 minutes. Baba kept on rubbing his beard and whiskers spreading the message to the public “beware of me”. We presumed he would ask for some kind of introduction but his first words were, “Hey Bhaiyajis and Matajis, whosoever doesn’t like my appearance, please step out of the room”. We didn’t understand why he called the girls as ‘Matajis”, probably he was right coz most of the girls of my class are Aunties, Matajis and Behenjis type which they always fear to accept.

Ranga again got serious. We thought he would start with some lecture but he was in no mood to do so. In that one hour class what all he discussed was about Dr. Kamal Tamil’s makeup, Dr. Pratistha’s heels, Dr. Malini Kurmuri’s attitude, Dr. Suraj Gandhawa’s laziness and what not. Boys were captivated by his keen observations but girls hated him for the same.

While he was busy discussing the issues, a girl stood up boldly and shouted, “Sir, switch on the fan coz it is very hot”. If you would have been in place of Ranga and saw her Delhi’ite attitude, you would slap her. But Ranga was an uncommon man, he just said a single sentence and that virtually killed her. He said, “Ohh, if it is that hot madam, then kindly take off your shirt”. One by one, Ranga blasted all the oddballs, rather say Matajis with attitude on their nose tips.

Just a few days from then, a Mataji brought her parents to complain against Ranga. Imagine, this Mataji by mistake happened to be one of the top scorers, but Ranga was the only person who made her cry. Even the director of the college couldn’t say anything to Ranga. Then, even the parents came to know about ‘Param Pujya Baba Ranga’.

In the next class, Ranga pulled down the attitude of yet another brat. After continuously watching her activities in class, he shouted, “Hey you Mataji, please respect this place. This is a college; worship it as Saraswati’s place. Kindly do not consider it as a prostitute’s area. You may do whatever you wish, but not here. Go wherever you want”. She also registered a complaint against Ranga, but as usual, nothing happened. She called the Director to the classroom but he also didn’t say a word against Ranga. I think, even the Director knew that ‘Ranga is a right person for such people’. Ultimately, the famous hindi prover seems true, “Laaton ke bhoot, baton se nahi maante”, and Baba Ranga proved it.

It was a time of celebration for boys. Ranga did what we all desired to do. Many females of the department made efforts to chuck him out of the institute but, he proved his virulence. Whosoever tried to do so, Ranga fired his terror against those.

“Prem se bolo, Baba Ranga ki Jai. Saare bolo, Baba Ranga ki Jai”.

Baba Ranga ka jaap karein daily 108 baar, sab kasht door honge.

The cost of Development


Let’s start with a short story. Once, when god was about to create the universe and its elements, he first called microbes. He asked them to occupy the place whichever they found suitable. He also blessed them with the power to be invisible. Microbes since then are happy living in air, water, land and even in living bodies.

Second came protozoa. God told them to occupy water. They said “Your Highness, we are so small and visible, any other organism might kill us”. God gave them the power to infect living beings and cause disease. This decision delighted them.

Third came coelenterates. God asked them to inhabit only water bodies but gave them power to eat smaller organisms and poison in their tentacles for their safeguard. They also went happily. Fourth came platy helminthes, nematodes. God asked them to dwell in water and land. Now came arthropods. They requested god that if he send them to water or land, then others will eat them up. God cogitated his brain and came up with some idea. He said, “You have the right to dwell in air, land as well as water; wherever you wish. You have the power to trouble other organisms too”. They also left happily.

Now it was the turn for human. God asked him, “What do you want from me?” He said, “God, please give me power to rule over land, air and water. Give me the wings to fly and fins to swim. Make me a ruler”. To this, god replied, “My dearest creation, I won’t give you fins and wings neither flight nor kingdom but, I’ll bless you with only one thing that I haven’t given to anyone else, and that is ‘Intelligence’. You might do anything you wish, just use the thing I have given you”. Since then, human is using intelligence to fly (using aero planes), walk and swim (using boats, submarines, diving).

To dream is a never ending phenomenon, especially when it comes to humans. Human is the only creature on the earth that god has given power to dream, think and then convert those thoughts into processes. This is the underlying reason for the chop-chop development of human race.

Earlier, human inhabited jungles, made muddy huts and roofs of bushes, ate raw flesh, fruits and vegetables. He then conceptualized the use of fire to cook food and the process continued forever.

The moment human conceived of the portable music, he developed ipods, when he conceived of speeding cars; he came up with Ferrari, gestated of sky-high architecture; made tallest possible apartments and towers. From metalled highways to missiles, from laptops to wireless; whatever human brain cerebrates, the next moment it is with us. Since the time human has got intelligence, he has been using it to evolve the system of living.

Ages have passed. Now is the age of computers and cutting edge technology. Human imaginations have landed the degree from where we can not afford to look back at the older times. Life is hastening and so we have to keep pace. Today, man is rushing to acquire maximum resources that he can possibly do, no matter what cost he has to bear. Facilitated with a sound infrastructure, best working facilities, happening business places and luxurious residences, man has got all what he dreamt of but still there is one thing missing, that is ‘Ataraxis’ or the peace of mind. Man is striving to make earth a heaven to live but he has to pay some taxes and that could possibly be the reason the previous statement.

Population is facing upsurge therefore, development has to take place in order to provide living to the people. Yesterday it was millions, now it is billions and tomorrow it will be much more. Engineering, research and technology is trying to race with the needs of the hour and solve the human problems to the best level. But, man has forgotten one thing, ‘there is a limit to everything’. After that, Newton’s third law follows, ‘To every action, there is equal and opposite reaction’ and then things revert back.

Now we have cut across those limits. Human intentions have no doubt attained infrastructure for him but has deprived many other creatures of livelihood that god had sent to live on land with us. Mad race for development has made man blind; he cannot visualize the destruction as a cost for development. He has forgotten that god asked us to live in ‘harmony’, even if one pillar of the biosphere is disturbed, the whole system will collapse.

Just a few to mention, the climatic cycle is now shifting as a result of global warming, glaciers have started melting and they are expected to melt more rapidly in coming years, land slides occur due to loss of plant biodiversity, rainfall uncertainty is a common phenomenon due to destruction of forests, temperature which is now breaking mercury limits, water scarcity in many areas, carcinogens in atmosphere, population explosion, pollution blast and many more, the list is extremely long. Could you spare a minute? Just look at the effects and try to find out the factors that caused them. The answer is just one that is our race for development. Nature has its own ways to maintain the balance. If we cannot understand the things clearly, nature has many methods to make us understand.

Destruction cycle is running now and we are the ones who have initiated it. Now, let’s not blame nature and destiny. But, it is not our fault because what we are doing is also a natural process. Every organism finds out the best possible way to live, so are us doing. If our population is shooting up, then we are responsible to provide them with the resources, no matter who is harmed in the process. We need not be blamed as we have done what was required.


The cost of development has to be accepted and we are doing that.

The Mushroom Growth of the Management Institutes

Today, there are several Management institutes in the country which are just making money and not focusing upon the need of infrastructure.

The cartoon does not depict any college in particular and is a hypothetical concept. If the institute name bears similitude with any college name in real, it might be a coincidence.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Saturday, May 10, 2008

"Faith at Stake" - Spoiling the name of god


(The article is not meant to hurt someone’s religious feelings and sentiments. Kindly take it as an article. In the article, none of the holy place is specifically targeted and no person is blamed. Any resemblance may be taken as co-incidence and author holds no responsibility. However, the article is based on the true facts)

Since ages, man and his sentiments have been somehow linked to god and the godly presence just to maintain the routine and discipline in life. Man’s faith in god makes him learn good things and thus a continuity of healthy society is maintained.

Science now proves, Indian rituals, customs and beliefs have their foundations deep into the scientific phenomenon and those were made by the spiritual leaders of the ancient times in order to make lives better. These rituals and customs were then subjected to the name of god to make common people follow them easily.

This faith and belief is continuing since thousands of years and people still make attempts to visit holy places at occasions to offer prayers to their holy gods. But the times have now changed. Faith does exist but the human intentions have now taken different shapes.

Every day, millions of worshippers visit such holy places to make their gods happy and gain their blessings. Miracles are another factor that mobilizes people to these places. But the other group of people seeks it as a potential industry. During my several trips to such holy places, I observed the picture closely. Priests, trustees and security personnel are the culprits.

At a temple in North India (name undisclosed), what I saw knocked my socks off. Priests and temple administration played a joint role in making money out of common man’s faith. Ten to fifteen shrines and one priest at every shrine were there. It was nearly inconceivable to get out of there without offering a sum of money (desirable amount: more than 10 rupees and likely to a maximum of 500 to 1000 rupees) in the name of the deity. Actually it was for the sake of priests because god never asked anyone to pay money in return of the blessings. Imagine the income of the temple administration on total, it comes to millions daily. Isn’t it better than any other business?

At another such holy place, I encountered a long waiting queue. What I found was, the queue was not getting long because huge crowd was there but it was merely a way to earn. The temple agents charged rich people a minimum of Rs.500 to enter through the back door of the temple and worship the deity ceremoniously. What about those who were waiting in the queue patiently for the last 3-4 hours and that too continuously sweating?.

Is it a cinema or a picnic spot that these agents charged the innocent worshippers hugely and that too in the name of god? It seems that the democracy and the common man’s faith in the system are being mocked. This is the picture of our proud ancient culture, the country which is known for it and worshipped for it. There are thousands of such cases. If I keep mentioning all, I think you won’t be able to read them and the blog space would fall short.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Indian education system needs revision


India is a land of culture, traditions and warmth. Now days, India is also accepted as a nation with most intelligent minds. Our economy is crossing bars and development is rising high. But, is it the clearest picture of the nation?. Are we really nurturing and utilizing the potent minds of the citizens. A country can never shine until its citizens shine, thus, ‘India Shining’ slogan seems sloppy.

We see what they (government) show us. Lets not be a puppet in the hands of the rulers. Think out of the box, look at the situation in your own way. You’ll get the answer.

There are numerous education schemes running in the country to promote education. There are a total of 1.13 billion people in India [source: wikipedia. (estimate for March 10, 2008)]. Also, have a look at the stats pertaining to the current literacy status:

Literacy Rate (Definition: Age 15 and over that can read and write)
Source: iloveindia.com
Total Population 59.5%
Male 70.2%
Female 48.3%

Education is considered to be the most powerful weapon to eradicate the devils like poverty and unemployment. With only 59.5% literates, that too not adequately educated, how can we be prepared to face the global challenges? This rate needs to grow steep. The time has now come, responsible agencies should not only focus upon the advertisement of the education schemes, but to pave a way for the educated country and thus a healthy nation.

Figures show, most females are still deprived of literacy. Women being the equal contributor to the country’s development needs equal attention too. For this, there is a need of revision in the country’s education system. Education should not grow only as a business of private players but also reach to the masses.

Even today, many village ‘prathmik vidyalayas’ which we call primary schools, are deprived of the most basic necessities such as classrooms, lights, fans, furniture and most important – the teachers. The only thing that’s in plenty is the poor children that flood the bare piece of land that is claimed as “school”. Be a witness. Go to any rural area, you will find many such examples. Then say, who is responsible? Each one blames other for the situation but ultimately there has to be someone for these children.

On the other side, thousands of brains are leaving the country every year for higher education. This is known as ‘Brain Drain’. Some return back, many settle there with the foreign companies. Why is it so? Is it because Indian students love foreign universities? No. It is only because they have the potent educational framework to support one’s career needs. What an irony? India being ahead of many such countries today in terms of economy but, when it comes to education, it shows the typical sluggish attitude.

The time is not to blame anyone. The responsibility is on our shoulders too. The best solution is here. If each of us (the educated class) bother to support the education of atleast one poor child, then I assure and mind my words, India will become the most developed nation on the earth and most prosperous too.

Lets move a step forward together for the sake of a healthy nation. I have planned to finance the education of atleast one poor child in my life. What about you? Think before its too late.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Baba Ranga ki Satya Katha - Episode 1

Year 2006, a “Baba” came to our college Jai-IIT (Jai Institute of Information Technology). This college was built few years ago in the memory of ‘Jai’ of Sholay by his girlfriend ‘Radha’. This man looked like the perfect blend of Veerappan decoit and a holy saint (refer picture). Scary appearance, long, silky hairs, floor kissing whiskers, peculiar spects, slim built and assertive personality, this is how he looked. For the 1st few days after his appointment in the department of waste-technology, everybody stared at him. “Who is this bhoot?”, asked everyone to others.

Unmarried, this man was half frustrated with females. Whatever be the problem, he used to bear grudge against some or the other female of the department. Can’t say he was right or not but his explanations regarding his hatred were all just.

One day Baba Ranga was passing by the tuck shop. He found a couple sharing a chocolate ice cream and that too very indecently. Once the boy licked the ice cream and then the girl and this continued for a while. Ranga stood boldly infront of them and stared at their faces while they licked the ice creams. Uninterrupted, the couple kept on enjoying the moment. Then Ranga uttered “Hey man, if you are short of money then borrow it from me. But, atleast buy two ice creams, one for each of you”. Ashamed of their act, the couple left and ran away.

This was the starting of Baba Ranga’s effect. Such incidents continued. Not only students but also teachers were the sufferers of his fury. Within a few days itself, Dr. Malini Kurmuri (Vice Head of the department) became a target of Ranga because of her attitude. Malini and Ranga were at an angle of 180 degrees always. His fame kept on growing. He got famous not only in this department but also in other departments and administration.

Like a desperate man, he gazed at Dr. Pratishtha Gandi’s sandle heels and makeup whenever she passed by him. Also, he passed various comments on her beauty. What to say, Ranga was not the only one to do so. Many guys did the same.

To be continued in episode 2………

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

"When did the Fashion start?" Solving the Mystery !

Every other clothing manufacturer claims to be the oldest brand in the market. The reality is what i found : "Fashion started since the time god created "Man", "WOMAN" and "KALYUG".

Copyright Image.

Click to Enlarge.

"Sri Sri Baba Ranga"

Also see: "Baba Ranga ki Satya Katha" - Our new section to focus on the life of Baba. Coming Soon.

Copyright Image.

Click to Enlarge.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Tea Benefits - "Who says tea is not good?"

Tea is known as nature’s ‘wonder drug’. Of late, tea and its healthy benefits have been receiving wide attention in the media. The ability of tea to promote good health has long been believed in many countries, especially Japan, China, India, and even England.

The buzz about tea and its benefits is getting louder and is simply becoming too difficult to ignore. Enlightened tea drinkers are rediscovering the protective and revitalizing benefits of this ancient drink. Ever wonder why the Chinese and Japanese have some of the longest life-expectancy rates in the world. Shhh…here’s the secret: they drink tea a lot.

Who knows, what you read here may eventually save you and your family’s life.

First of all, you need to answer these very simple questions:

Are you concerned that your kids might join the burgeoning ranks of obese children due to the unhealthy effects of their everyday consumption of tasty treats like burgers, hotdogs, pizza, chips and candies?

Are you concerned about the lurking threat of heart attacks and strokes that might hit you, your spouse or your parents anytime due to the adverse effects of fat-filled diet, smoking, and drinking?

Are you concerned that the stress of everyday life and exposure to harmful elements in the environment could wear your family’s defenses down and expose them to the threat of cancer?

Tea: Health Benefits and Wonders
Tea is the second most widely consumed beverage in the world, exceeded only by the most necessary of all liquids - water. Tea is an integral part of everyday societal life in many of the world’s most populous countries. This has made tea the most popular beverage for a huge swath of the world’s people.

Tea is prepared from linder leaves, leaf buds and tender stalks of different varieties of the warm-weather evergreen known as camellia sinensis. The most popular types of tea are:

Green Tea
Black Tea

Other teas are:

Ginseng Tea
Herbal Tea
Rooibos Tea

The degree of processing the leaves of camellia sinensis determines whether a tea will be green, black or red (oolong). Green tea is the least processed. These are simply steamed quickly before packaging. Black and red tea are partially dried, crushed and fermented. The length of fermentation, which causes the leaves to blacken, determines whether the tea will be red or black.

Recent research shows that any tea derived from camellia sinensis has cancer-fighting properties. The leaves of this plant contain chemicals called polyphenols, which give tea its antioxidant properties.

Polyphenols in tea have been known to:

Help protect cells from the normal, but damaging, physiological process known as "oxidative stress." Although oxygen is vital to life, it's also incorporated into reactive substances called free radicals. These can damage the cells in our body and have been implicated in the slow chain reaction of damage leading to heart disease and cancer.

Help prevent blood clotting
Help lower cholesterol levels
Help neutralize enzymes that aid in the growth of tumors
Help deactivate cancer promoters
Help stimulate the immune system

Tea also has fluoride for strong teeth, virtually no calories, and half the amount of caffeine found in an equally-sized cup of coffee. Whether decaffeinated tea has the same level of polyphenols, and thus the same health benefits, as regular tea has not yet been studied. Caffeine is a natural component of tea leaves. It is not yet known if removing caffeine also removes polyphenols.

Apart from polyphenols, tea also contains a variety of ingredients that are beneficial to one's health. These include theanine (an amino acid unique to tea), vitamins, minerals, and methylxanthines. These are the components that are the source of the healthful properties of tea. These are known to:

Help fight against mutagenic agents
Delay aging
Help fight high blood pressure
Help fight against viral and bacterial infection
Help improve the functions of the digestive and excretory systems

To sum it up - by drinking 2-4 cups a day of tea, you can reap in the numerous curative and preventive tea benefits.

SOURCE: TeaBenefits.com (http://www.teabenefits.com/)

Sunday, May 4, 2008

EarthDay Celebrations

This is my Cartoon Entry for the "ETOONZ 2006" cartooning contest held at JIIT University, Noida.

(Click the Image to Enlarge)

Copyright Image.

Roses are red, Violets are blue!

Have you ever tried to perceive ‘What makes one different’? Does he possess qualities common to all or has a stuff different from others? Has god given him precious virtues or he himself has incorporated “best” in his qualities? Can you find an answer to all these questions? Well, I do not think? Its like a mystery unexplored because no one has ever tried to find out that why “different” makes a difference.

Gardener gives water and supplements to all the herbs of his nursery but have you ever glared at those red roses there? Aren’t they unique? What makes them shine more brighter despite being in company of thorns and spikes.

God does not shower mercy on them. Its they themselves who use the same nourishment as supplied to others and use them in such a way that it nourishes their very own soul and the result is worth praising.

Its not god but oneself that makes difference. One has to visualize his ultimate potential, the areas he can drive to reach out, his resources and his very own will. All these when supplemented with chivalry (courage) and determination makes one extend himself into wider dimensions and reach out the unexplored areas of his potential.

Problems flow in as a wave of bad times in one’s life, shakes him up and his senses and step out. But what after that? It leaves an impression on the mind of ‘different’ and it gets impregnated there as a source of inspiration for further times. Problems arise as problems and leave as solutions only if one uses his potential and mental skills in a normally balanced manner.

Different are their actions, thoughts and the applications of these. Remember “ Good thoughts lead to good actions and good actions lead to success”. So, one who is successful, uses his capabilities successfully. We should not forget that ‘different’ is not different but his deeds make difference.

Never try to look different, just put your heart, mental impressions and dedication to your actions so that they may speak your very own language of success that you may never be able to say and the world will feel the difference in your actions that they might not be able to perform ever.

Remember: Believe in the best so that the difference makes you different.

Selected as the "Best Entry" in the Composition Writing Contest held by JIIT Youth Club at JIIT University, Noida